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Willemot, J. Le Nez Dans L' Histoire De La Medecine 1994 7 176-238 pdf
Bennett, S. The One Best Way: Instruments For Measurement And Control 1995 8 106-128 pdf
Deelstra, H. La Professionnalisation De La Chimie En Belgique 1995 8 084-102 pdf
Godderis, J. The Hippocratic Asklepiad And His Patient. Some Thoughts On The Physician-Patient Relationship In Ancient Greek Medicine 1995 8 050-080 pdf
Sarton, G. The History Of Medicine Versus The History Of Art 1995 8 129-143 pdf
Turner, G.L.'E. The Instrument Makers Of Elizabethan England 1995 8 018-032 pdf
Turner, G.L.'E. The Discovery Of Gerard Mercator'S Astrolabes 1995 8 033-045 pdf
Dubois, D.M. Konrad Zuse, Un Homme De Genie Si Attachant 1996 9 026-059 pdf
Laere, J V. Thomas Montanus Et La Peste A Bruges En L' An De Grace 1666 1996 9 078-092 pdf
Mey, M.D. Late Medieval Optics And Early Renaissance Painting 1996 9 142-175 pdf
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